
Bob Animal Crossing – 5 Interesting Details

interesting things about bob in animal crossing

Bob is one of the coolest and most fan-favorite villagers in Animal Crossing. This character has some interesting details that you might not know. Although, Animal Crossing has many cat characters but Bob is more popular then others. Bob in Animal Crossing is emerging as a fan-favorite character. Earlier in the franchise of Animal Crossing, we have seen various other characters being fan favorites such as Isabelle. The popularity of such characters is actually based on their physical appearance and their unique traits. With that being said, Bob is also having the same line up which is why he as gained so much fan following in Animal Crossing. Today’s guide covers everything about Bob in Animal Crossing. Details on Villager Bob Animal Crossing Bob isn’t a new villager in Animal Crossing, he has been in the game since the first edition of Animal Crossing was released. But he wasn’t this much trending at the beginning. Now, that players have seen them for quite a long time, this made him the talk of the town. His looks are more attractive to most of the fans than his personality. Bob’s Role in Animal Crossing Bob has no specific role in the game though you will always find him doing different activities. He is a lazy cat like most of the other cats. Whenever he finds time for himself he gets relaxed and chilled. Moreover, his love for food has no limits. We all know cats are mostly lazy and carefree but this one is a bit different. Bob has some hobbies such as fishing. Being a relaxed cat he sometimes goes against the villagers having an active lifestyle. Bob’s Physical Appearance in Animal Crossing Bob’s physical appearance is adored by his fans. He has a purple body color with dark purple spots all over. His pointy ears and facial expressions tell that he is always cooking up some plans. But, that’s not the reality, it’s just his looks. Being a lazy cat, Bob easily gets along with the villagers having the same lazy personality. He feels quite comfortable with them and you often find him chatting with them. Bob’s Life Goal in Animal Crossing Villagers and characters in Animal Crossing have their life goals and Bob is no exception to it. He has a goal to become Detective one day. Despite being a lazy cat who just loves sleeping and relaxing all day, he wants to become a detective. Maybe he will be more active and energetic once he becomes a detective, who knows? We just have to wait and watch until he becomes what he wants to be. Bob’s Home in Animal Crossing Bob has a different home design in each Animal Crossing but all of his houses have a theme of kids. The interior of his home is always based on a kid’s theme. The floor resembles a huge puzzle. However, the wallpaper is changed in each game but the theme remains the same. Coming to the furniture, everything in furniture including the bed, table, rug, couch, and rack all of it is following the exact same theme. This tells us that Bob has more of a childish character than a grown one. Bob’s First Appearance in Animal Crossing Bob was first seen in Animal Forest which was released on Nintendo 64 exclusive in Japan. Then he made his second appearance in Animal Forest + which was released in 2001. There are some discussions that tell that Bob is the first ever villager that was made for Animal Crossing. This all and his looks have made him gain so much popularity. Bob is so famous that you can find his memes on the internet. If you are just starting your very first island or planning about starting a new island then you might need some suggestions on island names. An island name in Animal Crossing can be a great way to represent the theme of your island. FAQs Is Bob a Good Villager? Bob is definitely a good villager as long as he stays with the villagers having the same personality traits as he has. Being a lazy cat he easily becomes friends with other lazy villagers. The villagers with more active lifestyles such as Snooty villagers won’t be friends with Bob. Moreover, you will see Bob annoying them and getting offended due to their hobbies such as exercise and fitness. Is Bob From Animal Crossing a Boy or a Girl? Bob is a male cat in Animal Crossing. He might look like a female cat but he is not. Bob has a purple colored body which is more of a girlish color. So, sometimes new players get confused about whether it’s a boy or a girl. That’s all for this Villager Bob Animal Crossing Guide. I’m sure now you have got some interesting details about Bob which you didn’t know earlier. Stay connected with us for more exciting guides and updates on the latest games.

Top 10 Animal Crossing Rare Villagers

animal crossing rare villagers

Players in Animal Crossing are incredibly huge fans of characters. The story and overall gameplay are simple and something that everyone can enjoy. Villagers or characters are the main attraction of the game, you meet them at different spots though the chances of meeting some villagers are low. We have prepared a list of 10 Animal Crossing Rare Villagers. These cute little characters that Nintendo added in the game are truly great attractions for gamers. They are actually not rare but still, some characters coming from various species have a little lower chance of meeting early in the game List of 10 Animal Crossing Rare Villagers Meeting with new characters is all based on the rarity of the species. The game actually has a mechanic. So, we know there are several species, now the more characters a species has the more harder it will be for you to meet a specific character belonging to that species. So, we actually have to trim down the list based on the species in the game. 10. Horse Villagers in Animal Crossing We have around 17 horse villagers in the game. All of them are different from each other based on their personalities, hobbies, and physical appearance, and even all of them have their unique houses. If we compare the horse villagers with a specie that has a lower number of characters then this, will be easier to meet though the game randomly sends them to meet you. If you haven’t seen any horse villagers until now, then chances are you will meet horse villagers such as Peaches, Elmer, Clyde, Colton, and Buck. 9. Duck Villagers in Animal Crossing In Animal Crossing, we are going to meet somewhere around 19 duck villagers. This makes it a little harder for players to meet a duck character since the number of villagers has increased. However, making progress in the story gets you closer to meeting new characters and also increases the chances. So, you should always focus on making progress. Animal Crossing has duck villagers such as Bill, Drake, Weber, Ketchup, Pate, and others. They are incredibly cute and quite adoring. Their physical appearance is definitely the best thing out there. 8. Mouse Villagers in Animal Crossing When it comes to mouse villagers in the game, you will meet around 20 characters in total. These are other cute little creatures of Animal Crossing. The chances of finding the characters from mouse species are lower than duck species. Mouse villagers include Rizzo, Dora, Moose, Bella, Chadder, Bettina, and others. Cheddar is the most unique character in all of the mouse villagers. Just like his name Chedder, he has a physical appearance that resembles to Chadder Cheese. And we know mice are crazy for cheese, so this makes the perfect outfit for a mouse. 7. Bear Cub Villagers in Animal Crossing Characters from the bear cub species are probably of the same number as the mouse species. You will find a total of 20 characters from this species. That’s why the chances of meeting a bear cub character are pretty much the same as a mouse character. The most unique characters belonging to this group include Tammy, Chester, Judy, Murphy, and Maple. Bear cubs are already cute creatures in real life and that is represented in the game as well. Fans can’t keep themselves without adoring one. 6. Frog Villagers in Animal Crossing Frog villagers in Animal Crossing are also having the same number of characters as mice and bear cubs. So, the chances for all three species are quite the same. Now, it depends on the game which one you are gonna meet at first. Characters from Frog are great based on their overall personality but they are not much popular among players. In the game, you will get to know characters such as Drift, Gigi, Tad, Frobert, Lily, and others. 5. Bird Villagers in Animal Crossing Now, coming to the bird villagers in Animal Crossing, players will be able to meet 21 bird characters in total. Now, meeting one of these birds is a little more rarer then the frog villagers as the number of characters is increased here. These birds are consisted of 15 male and 6 female villagers and all of them are coming up with different personality types. Some quite popular birds are Ace, Jay, Jacques, Jitters, Joe, and Midge. 4. Rabbit Villagers in Animal Crossing Now, the next ones are rabbit villagers which are 22 in total. You can see the number of characters in a specie is increasing which means the chances of meeting a character are decreasing. Rabbits can be a little more harder to find compared to the previous specie which is bird. Animal Crossing has 10 male characters and 12 female characters. Now, their personality types are different just like in other species of villagers. Actually, there is a higher number of peppy personalities in rabbits. So, you are gonna meet a lot of them. 3. Squirrel Villagers in Animal Crossing On number three we have squirrel villagers of Animal Crossing. This group has the same number of characters as the rabbit villagers and that keeps the same probability of meeting a character for both groups. Players will get to know six male and sixteen female characters in the squirrel group. Most of them are of normal personalities while some are peppy and snooty as well. Squirrels are one of the cutest characters in Animal Crossing. 2. Dog Villagers in Animal Crossing Dog villagers in Animal Crossing has the second highest number of characters which also makes it the second hardest to find category. As this has 28 characters, this also means that dog characters are engaged in most of the activities during your journey though are hard to find. The 28 characters in Dog Villagers consist of 20 normal villagers and 8 special characters. Moreover, these 20 villagers are consisted of 12 males and 8 females. Now, some of the most popular ones are Benjamin, Bones, Cookie, Daisy, Goldie, and Walker. 1. Cat Villagers in Animal … Read more

Cute & Cool Animal Crossing Island Names – 200+ Name Ideas

animal crossing island names

Starting a new journey in Animal Crossing? And you are not sure about your island’s name? Then you have just landed at the right spot. In this guide, we are covering some of the best Animal Crossing Island Names. The island name is going to represent your whole village for the entire game. Once you have confirmed your island’s name, you cannot change it. So, make sure that you have picked the right name. This guide has more than 100 name ideas for your island. You can pick any of them as you like or you can also make combinations from them to come up with new ideas. Animal Crossing Island Names Ideas Sometimes coming up with good names can be a challenging task. If you are going through the same thing right now then you should look out on the list below. This list will help you out in choosing the perfect name for your island. A good island name can represent the vibes and the overall type of your island though it really doesn’t affect anything. So, you can pick any name from this Animal Crossing Island Names list. A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Now, that you have picked out the name for your island and everything is fully ready. It’s time to head out and meet new characters and villagers in your town. All of the characters that you meet along your journey will have a different personality and hobbies. FAQs How Do I Name My Own Island? You can simply choose a name for your island when you are setting it up for the first time. Write the name at the beginning and make sure to read it again for any changes. Once you have confirmed the name, there is no option available to change it. This name is gonna be there for your entire game. It is best to choose a name that represents the theme of your town. What Are Some Good Animal Crossing Island Names? Some good names for your island can be: Hobbits Village, Narnia Town, Animal Kingdom, Little Big Town, Tiny Town, Little Village, and many others. You can check out the list above to get more ideas. The best thing you can do is make new combinations with the ones that have been mentioned. This will give you unique and more interesting name ideas. That’s all for Animal Crossing Island Names Ideas Guide. I’m sure this guide has helped you out in picking the perfect name for your new village. Stay connected with us for more exciting and informative guides. See you in the next one!!

Animal Crossing Characters – List of 10 Best

10 amazing animal crossing characters and villagers

Animal Crossing has so many interesting characters, some of which are really important in your journey. While others are just the casual characters roaming around, you can still interact with them. We have made a list of top Animal Crossing Characters based on their popularity. Animal Crossing has over 400 characters, and each one of them possesses a different personality. You might find some of them really helpful along your journey while some may be present there just to give you little hints. Most of the players find these characters cute as they all are animals, these characters are also popular as the villagers. That’s because all of them are found in different villages of Animal Crossing. These Animal Crossing Characters are part of the main storyline. Animal Crossing Characters & Villagers – The Best Ones As you make progress in the storyline of Animal Crossing, you will meet hundreds of different characters and villagers. Chances are pretty low that you may not like any villager, all of them are adorable little animals that nobody can stay without liking them. 10. Tia – An Elephant The first one on our Animal Crossing Characters list is Tia. She is a cute little female elephant in Animal Crossing. She is an animal but looks like a teapot. That’s her appearance in the game, also you will find her black maid dress in New Horizon. Her appearance attracts most of the players, as the overall looks are pretty engaging. Tia’s personality is shy, though she is an interesting character. When you visit her home, you may find her embarrassed due to her home’s untidiness. Tia has different houses in New Leaf and in New Horizon. 9. Egbert – A Chicken Now, Egbert is a male chicken in Animal Crossing. This is another cute little animal that you will meet on your journey. Coming to its appearance, Egbert is a yellow-colored chicken that has black stripes on its body. As for his personality, Egbert has a lazy lifestyle which is why you will find him with quite less activities in the entire game. Being a chicken, Egbert will be seen running around different spots. He has a wood-based home in every game of Animal Crossing which resembles the chicken coop. 8. Rosie – A Cat Rosie is one of the cutest characters in the entire game as she is a cat. Cats are generally adored by most of the Animal Crossing fans. Rosie is a blue-colored cat with a peppy personality. Rosie holds a personality that makes her quite friendly with other villagers. She definitely gets along with most of the different personality types of villagers, though she is actually good at annoying cranky and snooty villagers. 7. Aurora – A Penguin Aurora is a female penguin, and her cute little looks are the main attraction for Animal Crossing’s fans. She wears a red sweater, that shows she is from a cold region. Aurora has a normal personality trait, although she is friendly with other villagers. Upon visiting her home, you will find out that Aurora is quite a character who promotes tidiness. She has different types of houses in each game of Animal Crossing. However, the best one is in New Horizon. 6. Fauna – A Deer Everyone loves Deer due to their innocent looks. Fauna is a female deer in Animal Crossing. It’s a brown-colored deer that has a few different colored spots on its body. She wears different clothes based on the current weather in the game. Fauna first appeared in Animal Crossing in New Leaf. Afterward, she became popular among Animal Crossing fans in other games as well. Fauna has a normal personality type which helps her in getting along with almost all the other personality type villagers. 5. Marshal – A Squirrel Marshal is a male squirrel in Animal Crossing. He possesses a smug personality, Marshal has a light-colored body with a little darker contrast on its ears and other body parts. Since Marshal has a smug personality, you will find him like an egoistic villager but that’s what him cute. Plus the expressions on his face are quite adorable. Sometimes Marshal may be seen off with cranky villagers, but with the rest of the villagers, he will be totally fine. So, overall he is a great character. 4. Stitches – A Bear Cub Stitches is a male bear cub in Animal Crossing. The unique thing about Stitches is it’s not an animal, instead it is a toy bear cub. Due to its uniqueness in the entire game, this has become one of the most favorite villagers among Animal Crossing’s fans. Stitches has been in Animal Crossing for quite a long now and is considered to be one of the oldest villagers as well. He has a rainbow-colored body, which is another unique trait of Stitches. He has a lazy personality but that couldn’t keep him from making friends. 3. Bob – A Cat The third place on our Animal Crossing Characters List is secured by Bob. He is another male cat in Animal Crossing. Bob is a purple-colored cat with quite interesting looks. However, he is a lazy cat like the cats are naturally in real life. His lifestyle is quite peaceful as he has a lazy personality trait. Like Stitches, Bob is also a villager who was introduced in the early games of Animal Crossing. Bob has no issues in getting along with most of the other personality types. This is one reason why he is a fan-favorite character. 2. Apple – A Hamster Apple is a female hamster in Animal Crossing. She hasn’t been for quite long in the game, but still, she became popular due to her adorable looks and interesting personality. Apple has an adorable physical appearance, her face is pear-shaped with oval eyes and rounded ears. She is quite a friendly character. Apple easily gets along with all the other personality-type villagers, but she will respond to negative comments accordingly. Apple doesn’t like to be with rude and mean villagers. 1. Dom … Read more

Isabelle Animal Crossing Interesting Details

isabelle animal crossing interesting details

Animal Crossing one of the most popular games right now has a variety of in-game characters. As we know the game has so many characters, so chances are that you might have missed some details on the character Isabelle Animal Crossing. Like most of the other characters in the game, Isabelle is also an animal. This adorable fan-favorite character made it’s debut in Animal Crossing in New Leaf. Isabelle helps you out in setting out your village. She is assigned various roles during your time as a mayor of the town. You will find her in different versions of Animal Crossings and in each one of them she has different roles. Details on Character Isabelle Animal Crossing Isabelle a cute character in Animal Crossing has been quite popular since her debut in New Leaf. She was introduced in the game to assist you in your mayor’s role. Of course, you will need the help of different characters throughout your journey. Isabelle is one of those characters who will assist you in the most critical tasks of the game. Though, you need to know some details about her. Isabelle Animal Crossing Role The most important thing about Isabelle is her role in the game. Well, Animal Crossing has several different editions such as New Leaf, New Horizons, Happy Home Designer, and Pocket Camp. Now, in each one of these editions, she holds different roles. Here are the roles of Isabelle. These are her roles in different versions of Animal Crossing. If you are currently playing New Leaf or New Horizon then you will find her as your secretary during the entire gameplay. She will always be there for you when you need her in any of your town’s issues. And most importantly, she controls the entire village of yours when you are not present in the game. Isabelle Animal Crossing Age Well, the game doesn’t really tell the exact number about her age in any way. However, we have got her birthday which is December 20th. Still, you cannot specify her age in any manner as there are details provided on this from Nintendo. Isabelle Animal Crossing Personality Isabelle is introduced in Animal Crossing as a female character who is a dog species. In the game, she likes helping the mayors of the town in completing their tasks. Isabelle encourages players to make their towns enjoyable and happy places. The town she works in is more of a family to her as she has strong relations with the villagers. She has the ability to influence villagers in different ways such as influencing villagers to put on new clothes. Isabelle is a wise and easy-to-approach character in the game as mentioned by the Snooty Villagers in New Horizon. However, she is the complete opposite when it comes to confrontation. No doubt she is a gentle character but she always seems off when someone confronts her. Isabelle Animal Crossing Brother Isabelle has a twin brother Digby who is also a character in Animal Crossing. Both of them grew up together. During the storyline, you will find that both of them used to fight when they were just little puppies. Also, Isabelle was quite an annoying sister to Digby. She always used to eat her brother’s shoes which obviously Digby never liked. But, now they are all grown up and Isabelle still mentions that she likes eating Digby’s new shoes. FAQs Is Isabelle Boy or Girl Animal Crossing? Isabelle is a female dog character in Animal Crossing. You will find her in all the editions of Animal Crossing starting from the New Leaf. Although, the roles in each of the editions are different. Who is Isabelle’s Twin? Isabelle has a twin brother named Digby. They both grew up in a cardboard box. They both used to fight a lot when they were puppies, but now they are all grown up and enjoying their roles. Isabelle used to eat her brother’s shoes which she also mentions she still likes to eat Digby’s new shoes. And this is of course never liked by Digby. That’s everything for this Isabelle Animal Crossing guide. I’m pretty sure this has given you some interesting details on one of the most famous Animal Crossing characters Isabelle. Stay connected with us for more exciting and fun content. See you in the next one!!

Top 5 Cities Skylines Best DLC

cities skylines best dlc

Cities Skylines stands at the top among the best city-building games right now. This has all become possible due to its unique building features. Not only that but the game has hundreds of maps and dozens of DLCs. That’s why today we are looking at the Cities Skylines Best DLC. All of these DLCs are built in a different way, so you will see a difference in the terrains, various assets, city services, themes, weather, buildings, districts, and tons of more features. Instead of going out there and purchasing a random DLC, you can check out the list of the Best Cities Skylines DLC. What you will get to know about the DLCs are their unique features and some helpful details that makes each one of them stand out. So, let’s get started. Cities Skylines Best DLC You Should Try The game has introduced many DLCs from the day it was released. Each of the DLCs has incredible new features and comes with many new items. What’s another great thing is, that players will get a whole new set of challenges with each DLC. Here are the Top 5 Cities Skylines Best DLC. 5. Snowfall You can get the idea what the DLC actually looks like just by reading its name. Snowfall is all about the cold weather that adds a chilly vibe to your city. You will have to deal with all sorts of cold weather challenges that you can think of. Plus this DLC has a realistic look which is something that grabs the attention of most players. This is definitely worth trying. Some features that makes it different from others are its transportation, the road services, chilling cold weather, and most importantly the addition of items you will need to fight the cold. 4. Sunset Harbor If you have plans to grow your city besides the sea and make it economically strong through the harbor then you should look no further. Sunset Harbor has everything you will need for an established waterfront city. Although, Sunset Harbor is a DLC that focuses on the sea, but still it has all the features and items that a modern city requires to establish itself. You will find all the buildings, road structures, and other items that make a city well-developed. Mainly you will find new ocean-based features, but there are some additional items as well such as new maps, transporting systems, industries that grow your city economically through the ocean, and various others. 3. Mass Transit On number 3 of our Cities Skylines Best DLC list, we have Mass Transit. It is best for those who need a city that has a strong transportation system. This DLC has focused on introducing new means of letting your people move around the city. Mass Transit has all sorts of road structures and moving options that a modern city needs. No matter how much population you have got your in your city, this DLC will let you add the best traffic-controlling system and transport for your people. Some unique features of Mass Transit include the massive transportation hub, advanced traffic controlling system, and more money-making options. 2. Industries Industries DLC comes with new ways of your city’s economic growth, it adds new industries to your city. This is probably the best option out there only if you have a plan to make your city an industrial sector. But be ready for the upcoming challenges during your playtime. The DLC has a set of interesting new challenges, they are added so that you can build up your city in a much better way. Industries DLC has an all-new Postal Industry, some new maps, the best new policies for your city, and more options to expand your city. 1. Campus Looking to provide your people with higher education? This is the right DLC for you. With Campus, you can design your city into a massive University Campus. You can design a university with several departments or sectors. This is the best one out there if you really want to start a city for highly educated people. Campus DLC introduces new additions to players such as the Campus Zones, All-New Maps, Advance Educational Institute Buildings, and Sports Activities. Now, that you have got the list of Cities Skylines Best DLC, you may also try out the best mods for this game. They will add hundreds of features to your current game. FAQs What DLC Is Worth It in Cities Skylines? Cities Skylines has introduced many incredible DLCs until now. All of these DLCs has all sorts of essential things that a player need to establish a city. Based on the reviews from the gaming community ‘Mass Transit’ is quite popular among the players. So, you should definitely give this DLC a try if you haven’t yet. Adding to this, you may also go with other DLCs that we have discussed above for a much better experience. What Order to Buy Cities Skylines DLC? There is actually no fixed order when it comes to purchasing DLCs in Cities Skylines. However, if you are really looking for a specific order then you should go with the Top 5 that we have seen in this guide, starting from Snowfall DLC. Most importantly, if you are a beginner then you should gain some experience with just one DLC. As you learn the game tactics, move towards the new and more challenging DLCs. And that’s a wrap. I hope you have found this guide helpful for your relevant queries. Stay connected with us for more guides and news on the latest titles. See you in the next one!!

Cities Skylines Cheats

cities skylines cheats

Cities Skylines is one of the best simulation games out there. You can do pretty much everything when it comes to designing your very own unique city. Although, your financial limits in the game can keep you from this. But there is no need to worry because Cities Skylines Cheats can solve this problem for you. The game doesn’t only allow you to have unlimited money, but you can also add many more features using the cheats. Plus, some cheats will enable us to unlock everything in the game at any time. And that’s not all, for those of us who just can’t wait to get things by following the standard way, you can definitely use these cheats to have early access to those items. Cities Skylines is no doubt an in-depth game, a few cheats or mods can definitely make things interesting. So, why not? Let’s start and see how you can enable cheats and make use of mods. Enabling Cities Skylines Cheats It doesn’t matter if you are a complete beginner or you have been into this game for a long time, cheats and mods are something that everyone loves. However, if you really wanna experience the game story most realistically then you should not get into this cheats thing except for just a few tweaks. With that being said, the game actually gives a few pre-loaded cheats. They are not activated by default, so you have to enable them manually. And not only that but there is a complete dedicated menu of mods that lets you install as many mods as you want. Here are the pre-loaded Cities Skylines Cheats. Unlimited Money Cheat and Others Unlimited Money cheat is one of the cheats that comes pre-installed. Though, you just need to activate it. With this cheat activated in the game, you can get an unlimited amount of money. Meaning that you can make as many purchases as you want in the game. You no longer need to worry about running low on money ever again. This cheat can take your city on to the next level in no time. Since you have no limits on spending money, you will be able to purchase all sorts of buildings, structures, monuments, wonders, and everything else in the game. Here’s how you can enable this cheat. There you have it the Unlimited Money cheat enabled. Now, there is nothing that can stop you from purchasing as many items as you like. Apart from just this cheat, you will also see some other mods that are already available in the same list. There will be a Unlimited Oil and Ore Mod and Unlock All Progression Milestones. By enabling these mods you will have access to an unlimited amount of Oil and Ore, plus all of the milestones will be completed instantly. This will result in unlocking all the buildings right from the start. Now, if you want to add more Cities Skylines Mods then you should head to Steam Workshop and download as many mods as you want. FAQs Does Cities Skylines Have Cheats? Yes, Cities Skylines does have cheats and you won’t believe the number of cheats you can use. But, there is a slight difference in the way we use cheats in this game. Instead, of the cheats we have a dedicated Mod Menu right in the main menu. You just have to download the mods or cheats you want in your game from the Steam Workshop. And once they are downloaded, you can easily activate them from the Content Manager of the game’s main menu. How Do You Cheat On Money in Cities Skylines? Cheating on money in Cities Skylines is just a simple thing, you are just a few clicks away from that. The game has some pre-installed mods in the Content Manager. Just head into the Content Manager and under the Mods section you can find Unlimited Money mod. Toggle on this mod and you are done. Now, load your city to get your hands on unlimited money. That’s all for the Cities Skylines Cheats guide. I hope this has answered all your relevant queries. Stay connected with us for more informative guides and updates on big titles. See you in the next one!!

How to Use Cities Skylines Workshop in the Best Way

cities skylines workshop

Like most of the other big titles in the gaming industry, Cities Skylines also has access to Steam Workshop. Having access to a workshop in a game is the best thing a gamer can ask for. Why? Well, we all know the answer, it allows us to do tweaking in our game. Now, Cities Skylines Workshop is used in the same way as in the other games. There is just a little difference that may be a hurdle for new fellow gamers out there. That’s why this guide is here for those of you who are stuck at some point while adding the Cities Skylines Workshop. So, without any further due, let’s have a look and see what steps you must follow to get that workshop running. Adding Cities Skylines Workshop Using the Steam Workshop in Cities Skylines is pretty straightforward and quite similar to the rest of the games. Once you have access to the Steam Workshop in your game, you will be able to do all sorts of in-game customization. Now, just follow the steps below and you will be in Cities Skylines Workshop in no time. There you have the Steam Workshop in your Cities Skylines. Now, you can go up and add all the mods that you need in the game. Or even do other customization to your city. One thing to notice here is when you are downloading the mods, you will get a message to download a specific DLC or other mods that are required for that specific mod to work. If you get that message, then you should definitely need to download the required DLC or mods, otherwise, it won’t work. Cities Skylines Content Manager Cities Skylines has a Content Manager section that has all sorts of things required to make changes in the game. This is based on the categories which are basically the features such as Maps, Assets, Color Corrections, Mods, Styles, Map Themes, Scenarios, and others. The Content Manager of Cities Skylines is accessible from the main menu. Once you are in there, you can choose from the categories you wish to work on. Like if you are looking to add or remove a mod, then simply choose the Mods Menu. Content Manager has made it easier for players to remove or add mods from the game without installing or uninstalling them again and again. Also, the Assets option is another great addition. With this option, players can choose what type of assets they need in their game. The rest of the unwanted assets can be turned off to make the in-game menu a lot cleaner. FAQs How Do I Install Steam Workshop Mods for City Skylines? Installing the mods in Cities Skylines from the Steam Workshop is no big deal. What you need to do is head into the Cities Skylines library of Steam Workshop and select the mod you wish to add. Now, click on the subscribe to download that mod. Next, head into the game’s Content Manager and open the Mods section. Here, you can see the recently downloaded mod. Just toggle on the mod and it will be added to your game. How Do I Add More Workers in Cities: Skylines? The number of workers in your city depends upon the amount of population you have currently. If you want more workers in your city then you will need to work on your city’s population. Simply just make more buildings in your city so that more people can move into your city. This will allow you to have more workers. Once your city starts gaining population, you will automatically have more workers. That’s it for today’s Cities: Skylines guide. I hope it helped you out in sorting out your relevant query. Stay connected with us for more exciting and informative guides. See you in the next one.

7 Best Cities Skylines Mods You Need to Try

cities skylines mods

Like most of the other games Cities Skylines also has mods. We all know how the mods adds up tons of customization to our games. It’s not only about the customization but we also get access to tons of unique features along the way. So, we are gonna look on the best Cities Skylines Mods in this guide. If you go out there and search for mods, you will find dozens of mods. But if it’s your first time getting those mods in Cities Skylines then you may have hard time finding the right mods. That’s why this guide has lined up some of the best mods for you that you should not miss. These mods are going to add great new features to your game. The features you probably never knew existed for Cities Skylines. Best Cities Skylines Mods Some of the features can be quite challenging to deal with when you are building your city. No doubt, building a city of your dreams and controlling all the features that add up the difficulty as your city grows is definitely a real deal. But, you don’t have to worry as there are various mods introduced into the game, mods that are designed to perform a variety of tasks and also add up new things. 7. Extra Landscaping Tools When it comes to structuring your city, the main part is played by the tools and features that allow us to design the landscape. The default landscaping tools are good enough to work on your city’s design. But why not add another layer of extra tools to make things a lot easier? Extra Landscaping Tools is a mod that enables some new tools in the landscaping option. This can come in handy when you are working on the resources or some natural stuff such as water, terrain, and trees. The mod provides you with tools such as the Resources Tool, Water Tool, Terrain Tool, Tree Brush, and Tree Pencil. 6. Crossings Now, this is a pretty simple but unique mod. As the name suggests Crossings lets you place crossings anywhere on roads, the mod allows you to add as many crossings as you want on any type of road. This mod might not seem to you of much use, but trust me as your city grows and more population pops in your city, you will see how useful this mod will become. 5. Ultimate Level of Details Are you tired of graphic details in Cities Skylines? Well, we have got a mod for you. This mod is ready to take your game’s graphics details on to another level. Once you have got this mod on your game, it will let you render the distance of various objects. Ultimate Level of Detail enables the option to render the distance of detailed trees, props, buildings, and network models. After enabling this mod, you will see the real difference. This mod is definitely worth trying if you are having a good graphic card on your PC. 4. Daylight Classic The default in-game daylight can be annoying for some of the players out there. If you are one of them then this mod is definitely for you. What it does is it changes the sunlight color and tints during daytime. The mod has several features such as changing sunlight intensity, changing the sunlight tint, replacing stock LUTs, replacing fog and lighting effect, restoring classic sun position, and removing greenish tint from the fog. 3. Unlock All + Wonders & Landmarks We all love adding those beautiful-looking wonders and landmarks to our city. But, at the beginning, we didn’t have many of them unlocked. We must grind and level up in order to unlock the required items. Now, with this mod in your game, there is no need to wait for a level-up. You can unlock all the landscapes and monuments right from the start of your journey. This will also unlock unique buildings from Level 1 – Level 6, European Biome landmarks, Deluxe Edition landmarks, and also the specific buildings from each DLC. 2. All 25 Areas Purchasable Cities Skylines allows players to purchase only 9 tiles on the entire map. The rest of the space cannot be purchased in the vanilla game. This is where the mod All 25 Areas Purchasable steps in. It makes all 25 tiles on the map become purchasable. But in order to do that you must complete the milestone 13. Before milestone 13 which is technically the last milestone, you can only purchase 9 tiles. That means we have to play the like in the standard way and when the last milestone is completed, the rest of the squares can be purchased. 1. Precision Engineering The Precision Engineering mod is one of the best mods in the entire game. With this mod in your game, you will have access to some advanced features when placing items on the ground. Such as you will see an option that shows angle snapping. Moreover, a few extra details will also be visible when you are placing the roads, train lines, power lines, and other similar items. The angles and distance measurements which are added by this mod give you full control over your city’s structure. These are the 7 best Cities Skylines Mods that you should definitely try. You can find hundreds of other mods out there but obviously, you can’t try all of them. And it will also consume lots of time to pick the ones that are perfect for your city. The ones that are on this list will definitely help you out in crafting your masterpiece more precisely. If you are just starting your game or you are planning to start another city then you should check out 10 Beginners Cities Skylines Best Maps guide. This will definitely help you out in picking your next map for a new city. FAQs How Do I Add Mods to Cities Skylines? Adding mods to your game is pretty simple. This can be done from the Steam Community. … Read more

10 Beginners Cities Skylines Best Maps

cities skylines best maps

Cities Skylines is the game where you can build the city of your dreams. The game has so many intense details that you can deep dive and work on even the smallest details to bring out the perfection in your very own city. The best thing about Cities Skylines is its long list of maps. But as we all know not all of the maps are worth trying. So, which ones are Cities Skylines Best Maps? That’s what we are gonna look up in this guide. There are actually a few things that make each map different from the other one. And those are the availability of resources, transporting routes, and the land available to build on. Actually, there is one more thing, the terrain and the looks of the map. Based on all these factors, you can go on and choose your very first map to start building your city. Now, that we know all the factors that we must look on, it will become a lot easier for us to choose the right map from the list of best maps in Cities Skylines. So, without any further delay, let’s jump into the list. Cities Skylines Best Maps The list of maps in Cities Skylines is quite long which is a good thing. But for beginners, it can be a little confusing and time-consuming to choose from that list and embark on their dream journey. So, in order to make it easier for you, here is a list of the best maps that will be great to start with. 10. Wolf Creek The nature lovers must stop at this map. Wolf Creek is a masterpiece when it comes to nature based on forests, mountains, and rivers. This map gives you the landscape that is covered with nature, the best place in my opinion for sure. If you are planning to start your journey on a land that has all sorts of nature reserves then this is definitely for you. Now, coming to the available resources on this specific map. You will have access to tons of forest items, water, oil, and ore. The most important thing is the availability of buildable land. It has almost around 60% land available to build on which is a decent amount of area for beginners. The next important thing is the number of routes. So, we have 2 Airways, 2 Rail Routes, and 3 Highways. 9. Windfield This one is another best maps in Cities Skylines to start with. Windfield has tons of resources in abundance plus it has a huge land space available for players to start building. You don’t have to worry about mountains and rivers splitting your city structure. This map has a small number of mountains. Somewhere around 1/4 of the map is covered with ocean, whereas the rest of the space is taken out by the land which is safe to build on. Coming to natural resources, you can have water in abundance, forestry is no exception to it, and you can find fertile land as well. And lastly, we have oil and ore reserves as well. Next, the transporting routes. All the transporting routes are present on this map including 4 Rail Routes, 4 Highways, 4 Airways, and 3 Shipment Channels. Overall this map is a great choice to begin with. 8. Black Woods Black Woods is one of those maps in Cities Skylines that are filled up with a great number of rivers. An increased amount of rivers can be a challenging task to deal with when you are building up the structure of your city. Although, it’s not going to be an impossible task. Just with a little extra effort, you can definitely bring your city into the perfect running shape. Black Woods has a number of rivers that goes around all over the maps and dividing the building land into several pieces. That’s the only challenging phase of this map. Once you are done with this you will be good to go. Now, the resources available on this map are water, forest items, ore, and oil. You will also see some fertile land. Black Woods has around 68% of land available to build. Moreover, it has all the transporting routes including 4 Airways, 1 Shipping Channels, 4 Highways, and 4 Rail Routes. 7. Green Plains Green Plains is another forest based map that comes with a unique river design. This immersive design and its overall qualities make it a perfect map. We have all the green areas on this map which makes it stand out from others. Green Plains fulfills all the requirements that are needed to run a successful city. It has access to rivers, forest areas, and other resources as well. So, it won’t be difficult to design your city structure on this mesmerizing map. The best part is it has a decent number of transport routes like most of the other maps. You will have access to 4 Rail Routes, 4 Highways, 4 Airways, and 1 Shipping Channels. 6. Diamond Coast Diamond Coast is for the perfect city building structure. That’s because this map’s land is divided into several parts which you can use to split your city into several sectors. This is for sure one of the best features of Diamond Coast. It does come with all the resources and nature touch to it. So, you will be getting the best views on this map once your city pops up with all the buildings and other important structures that your city needs. This map has 69% of land available for building. And that’s actually quite a huge space. Next, you have all the resources needed for a city, plus it has all the proper transportation routes as well including 2 Shipment Channels, 3 Rail Routes, 4 Highways, and 4 Airways. 5. Foggy Hills Now, we have got another perfect map and that is Foggy Hills. Let me tell you the best thing about this map. Foggy Hills has rivers running … Read more