
Cyberpunk 2077: Delamain Quest (Don’t Lose Your Mind) – All Choices & Walkthrough

Delamain Quest in Cyberpunk 2077 is actually a side job called Don’t Lose Your Mind. You can start this side job from Delamain Headquarters (HQ). It involves several steps to complete the entire side job correctly. 

The important part of Delamain Quest or Don’t Lose Your Mind involves making choices. Each of the choices comes with a unique consequence. Plus, you will be getting the rewards for completing the side job successfully. We have covered each step in detail down below. So, you can easily complete the mission and also learn about the consequences that come with each choice. 

Cyberpunk 2077 Delamain Quest – Don’t Lose Your Mind 

The side job Don’t Lose Your Mind or Delamain Quest has an essential step that must be done correctly when the job is near its end part. This is based on several choices and each choice has a consequence. 

You can start the quest from the Delamain HQ, Heywood. A fast travel point of Delamain HQ can be used to quickly reach the location. But before you get access to this quest you must have already completed the quest Epistrophy. 

Now, let’s jump into the walkthrough. 

Find a Way Into the Delamain HQ

back route to enter delamain hq - cyberpunk 2077  delamain quest

The main double doors of Delamain HQ are locked due to some reason so you must find an alternate way to enter the building. Now, there are two methods to access the building. 

The first method requires using Level 8 ability. If you have the Level 8 ability then you can simply use it to unlock the door on the right side of the building. 

The second method involves entering the building through the vent shaft. For this, go around the back and look for some boxes. Jump on the boxes and enter through the vent. 

Enter the Workshop

Now, there is a locked workshop, it’s time to find a way into the workshop. Once you have entered the building, look for a room that has computers in it. One of them will have a code 1234, and use it on the computer to unlock the doors that lead to the next room. 

destroy robot firing laser

This room will have a robot firing a laser, just destroy the robot and move on to the next part. Moving ahead will take you to a point where you can see a car attached to a forklift. 

car attached to forklift

The car will be moving up and down. Climb on the car and wait until it reaches the highest point. Jump on the nearby platform when it’s on the highest point. 

Related  Cyberpunk 2077 Door Codes & Computer Passwords

In the same room, look for an open vent, it will be near the corner of the room. Enter the vent and catwalk to the next side. Jump down the vent to enter the next room. 

Crossing the Room 

crossing the electric room

Now, there are two methods to cross this room. The first method involves jumping on top of the car and crossing the electrical room. The car in the middle of the electrical room will allow you to cross the room safely. 

Once you are on top of the car, look in front of you, there will be another car. Jump directly onto that car and climb up to your right side. 

Now, if you have Level 6 Body or Level 5 Technical Ability then you can simply open the hatch which was under the car. This takes you to the other side of the area bypassing the electrical room. Climb back up and get on the catwalk. 

Crossing the Catwalk

crossing the catwalk area in delamain quest

There will be cars in front of you, move ahead take a right turn, and climb up through the ladders. This takes you to the catwalk. You need to cross the gap here with a jump. Do it carefully, because if you fall you will die. 

Once you have cleared the gap, look to your right on the upper side and use the shaft to continue forward. This takes you to the next room where you can see some cabs moving in circles. 

There will be a staircase, use it to go on the upper level. Don’t enter the office, instead get on the pipes which are on the right side of the office. Go ahead and climb up the pipes to access the small platform. Once you are on the platform, look for a shaft on the right. 

Enter through it and drop down through the hole, this takes you to the control room where a cutscene begins and you will be presented with choices. 

Don’t Lose Your Mind (Delamain’s Quest) Choices & Consequences

dont lose your mind (delamain quest) choices & consequences

This is an important part of Delamain’s Quest. Once you enter the control room, a cutscene plays after which you will be presented with the choices. Each choice has a different consequence. We have explained each one below. 

Destroy the Core

Choosing this option will destroy the Delamain, this will result in the existence of other Delamian AIs. These saved AIs will interact with you in the rest of the game when you are driving your vehicle. Also, Johnny will appreciate this choice. 

Reset the Core 

Choosing this option will reset the Delamain Core and all the other AIs as well. The core will reset and return to its factory settings. This is kind of a choice that you should not go with as it will remove the other AIs. Johnny will also disapprove of this choice. 

Related  Cyberpunk 2077 Door Codes & Computer Passwords

Merge the Core

If you choose this option then all of the AIs will be merged and leave the Night City while leaving behind a different Delamain. This choice will be approved by Johnny, so if you want to merge the core than you can definitely go with this choice. 


Completing this side quest will result in receiving rewards like a Delamain Cab, 187 Exp points, and 421 Street Cred. 

Some Important Points About the Delamain Core & AI

  • Once you have finished the quest, there will be some conversations between Delamian and V when driving the car. You will also witness some unique comments from the car if Skippy is quipped.
  • There will be some comments passed by the AI in the Militech Canto regarding the situation when you choose how to deal with Delamian’s AI.
  • In the Delamian’s office, there is a computer that needs to be accessed. You can either hack it or use the password to gain access. If you choose to hack then do remember that 8 Intelligence will be required. Alternatively, you can use the password: 1234 which can also be found in the emails on the computers just outside the office.


What’s the Best Option for Don’t Lose Your Mind? 

Since all three choices have different consequences, you can go with any of the choices that you think is better. But if you really want to go with the best option then there is only one. 

Destroy the Core is the only best choice for Delamain Quest. This choice will destroy the main core resulting in freeing up the rest of the Delamain AIs. This is morally best as well because you are releasing all the other Delamain AIs that you have met throughout the journey before. 

Which Delamain Ending Does Johnny Like? 

There is one choice that Johnny doesn’t really like and that is Reset the Core. The other two choices will be approved by Johnny. 

But if you wanna look cool in Johnny’s view than you should definitely go with Destroy the Core option. Because that is what Johnny wants you to do. The other choice will also be approved by Johnny though. 

Is It Worth Merging Delamain?

Merging the core isn’t really a perfect choice, since Johnny wants you to destroy the core. But, if you go with merging then there won’t be any issues since he would approve this option as well.

But, if you want to make Johnny happy then destroy the core without wasting a second. This will destroy the main core and the rest of the Delamains will survive. Instead of the core, these other Delamain’s AI will interact with you throughout the game.

We have also made a full guide on Door Codes & Computer Passwords in Cybperunk 2077. Check that out if you want to get the codes for various locked doors in the game.

Meet the Author

A passionate gaming writer who loves gaming. He began writing in 2020, drawing on over ten years of experience in the gaming industry. His guides aim to help and inspire fellow gamers. Bilal enjoys trying out new games and keeping up with the latest trends in his free time. He values the gaming community and enjoys connecting with other enthusiasts.

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