
Antique Key BG3 – Where to Find & How to use it

unlocking arcane tower front door with antique key bg3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has many secret and locked areas that can only be accessed if you have the unlocking keys. Antique Key is one such item, it unlocks the front door of Arcane Tower. But, first, you must obtain it from Bernard by defeating him.  Obtaining the Antique is no straightforward task, it involves defeating Bernard and his team at the Arcane Tower. This requires some tactics, which we have covered in this guide. So, let’s dive in.  Where to Find the Antique Key in BG3 The Antique Key only becomes available after you have defeated Bernard. Once you do that, you can loot his body, which contains the key. So, this leads us to defeat Bernard and his team in the first place.  Bernard can be easily defeated along with his entire team without using any exceptional skills. But, the use of AoE abilities or attacks can be a lot helpful in this battle. Since the targets will spread around a large area, using AoE attacks will cover most of them.  For the ranged attacks or spell casting, you can take advantage of higher areas. That’s another easy way of winning the battle. Use the higher grounds to defeat the targets while receiving the lowest possible damage.  This way you can wipe out the entire team quickly without facing any sort of defeat. As soon as you have taken down Bernard. Check out his body to collect the Antique Key.  How to Use Antique Key in BG3 Head to the front door of Arcane Tower, interact with the door and use the Antique Key to unlock it. Unlocking the door will simply give you access to the locked part of Arcane Tower. To be honest, at this point, Ancient Key is not really an important item. Because this door can be lockpicked. Alternatively, you can use the broken wall which is just next to the front door. Either way, you will get the access behind the front door.  There is not much to look for in that exact spot. However, you can explore the rest of the tower to get tons of loot. Since the tower consists of multiple floors, each floor has various loot items. From spell scrolls to chests, you can collect lots of items.  FAQs What Does the Bernard’s Key Open in BG3? The Antique Key obtained from Bernard’s body is used to open the front door of Arcane Tower. There is no other use of it. I know this is a bit disappointing since that door can already unlocked with a lockpick.  Moreover, the wall which is just next to the front door can also be used as the entry point. So, there is not much use of Bernard’s Ancient Key in BG3.  Do You Get Anything For Killing Bernard in BG3? Yes, killing Bernard at the Arcane Tower rewards you with three items. All three items can be looted from his body. The items include an Antique Key, Giulding Light (Light Cantrip), and Light of Creation (Halberd).  Aside from the Antique Key, the other two items are quite useful since they are used during the battles. So, having a battle with Bernard and his team is worth it. Also, when you visit the Arcane Tower, make sure you have fully explored all floors so that you can collect all the items hidden in different rooms.  That’s all for the Antique Key BG3 guide. Also, check out the Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle Guide and the Chromatic Orb Guide.

Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle Solution in BG3

how to solve hhune mausoleum puzzle in bg3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is full of puzzles and secret passages and that’s what makes this game super interesting. Reaching the Lower City allows you to explore the Graveyard area where you can find the Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle. Solving this puzzle is not mandatory in any way although you can get yourself some nice rewards upon solving the puzzle. So, why not get a taste of these rewards? Locating Hhune Mausoleum Hhune Mausoleum is located in the Graveyard of Lower City. This place becomes accessible in Act 3. The entrance to this area is from the northern side of the Graveyard. The exact location of the Hhune Mausoleum is at the coordinates X: 21 and Y: 36. Solving Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3 Upon entering the Hhune Mausoleum you will come across a few traps of DC 15. Also, there is a DC 20 Perception Check. Finally, you can also see a sarcophagus. Now, complete the DC 20 Perception Check which is hidden in the cracked tile at the east side of the Sarcophagus. This will give you the Hhune Mausoleum Iron Key. Next, we need to open the Sarcophagus, this can be done by passing the DC 15 Strength Check. Once you do that you will receive Hhune Mausoleum Golden Key. Also, there will be a note which says: “KNEEL WITH THE WEIGHT OF ALL YOU VALUE AT HIS FEET, AND HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF.” Now, its time to solve the puzzle. You will notice a highlighted tile just below the Sarcophagus. That’s the key open the entrance. You need to press the tile with at least 700 lbs of weight. What you can do is ungroup your characters and assemble them at the highlighted tile. This opens a secret passage on the left side of the Mausoleum. The passage takes you to a hidden room where you can see a statue. Besides the statue, you can notice 2 chests. The first chest is Gilded Chest, use the Hhune Mausoleum Golden Key to unlock the chest. You will get valuable items including the gold. The second chest is a Heavy Chest, use the Hhune Mausoleum Iron Key to unlock this chest. It contains more valuable items. Collect all of them. FAQs How do You Solve the Puzzle in the Mausoleum BG3? The Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle is no big deal. After collecting the keys from the cracked tile and sarcophagus, you just need to stand at the highlighted tile right beneath the sarcophagus. Make sure that you stand on the tile with at least 700 lbs of weight. Doing so will reveal a secret passage on the left side of the Mausoleum. This leads you to a hidden room. The room has 2 chests that contain rewards. Unlock the chests with the corresponding keys that you collected earlier. What is in the Ancient Mausoleum BG3? The Ancient Mausoleum in Baldur’s Gate 3 is actually the Hhune Mausoleum which is in the Graveyard of Lower City. This Mausoleum has some secrets hidden in it. Such as there is a Sarcophagus that gives you access to a hidden room. This room contains 2 chests that gives you some valuable rewards. Visiting the mausoleum is not obvious but you can explore it to obtain extra rewards such as gold, elixir, and a few other items. And this brings us to an end, now you know how to solve the Hhune Mausoleum Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3. Don’t forget to check out our guides on Chromatic Orb and Crimson in Circus of Last Days. Stay connected for more guides and news on the latest games.

Chromatic Orb Guide – Super Powerful Spell in BG3

chormatic orb bg3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is well known among the gaming community for many reasons, one of them is the spell casting. You can choose from dozens of spells, Chromatic Orb is one of them. Chromatic Orb is not just a single spell that comes on its own, there are variations for it that can truly prove to be one of the best spells in the game. We have covered each and every single thing about this powerful spell in this guide. How you can learn it? What are its variations? And more. Find out everything below. Chromatic Orb in BG3 Like many other spells in BG3 we have seen so far come with various additional damaging abilities, Chromatic Orb is no exception. This spell is a level 1 evocation spell, using it will unleash a ball of energy that targets your enemy with mind-blowing damage. Damage Stats This spell can deal different amounts of damage based on its variation. Thunder Chromatic Orb which is one of its variations, can deal 3d8 damage. And for the rest of the variations, it deals 2d8 damage. Spell Cost, Range & Upcast Using this spell requires action and a Level 1 Spell Slot. Upon casting the spell it will deal damage within the range of 60ft or 18m. The best thing about using it is that it can cause additional 1d8 damage if used at a higher level. The additional damage comes from each spell slot higher than level 1. Variants It has a total of 6 variants. Each variant has its unique effect and goes best against the target of the corresponding weakness. Here are the variants: Chromatic Orb Thunder: This one generates a ball of thunder that deals thunder damage in specific. Chromatic Orb Acid: This specific spell creates a ball of acid which deals acidic damage and also creates a surface of acid. Chromatic Orb Cold: This spell emits a ball of cold energy that hits your target dealing cold damage and also creating ice surface. Chromatic Orb Fire: This spell will create a fiery ball that deals fire damage and also creates a fire surface. Chromatic Orb Lightning: The spell casters will be able to emit an electric upon using this spell. It will deal with lightning damage and will also create an electric surface. Chromatic Orb Poison: This one creates a round ball made up of poison which directly attacks the target dealing poison damage while creating a surface of poison. How to Learn Chromatic Orb Spell Only a few chosen classes can learn this spell. Here are the ones who can learn it: Warlocks can also learn Chromatic Orb only if they choose the Eldritch Invocation Book of Ancient Secrets at Level 7 or above. But they can only use this spell once for each long rest. FAQs What Does Chromatic Orb Do in BG3? It is a level 1 evocation spell that comes in variations such as Thunder, Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Poison. Casting the spell will shoot a ball of corresponding power towards the target and will also create a surface of corresponding power. This spell can prove to be a strong damage dealer against many opponents. Which is Better? An Ice Knife or a Chromatic Orb? Both of the spells are great if we focus on damaging ability, although Chromatic Orb has much better damage when dealing with a wider area. So, if you are looking for a spell that’s better at only a single target then you may go with Ice Knife. However, if you are considering splash damage, like a spell that can deal damage to nearby targets as well then you should try out Chromatic Orb. Its also excellent because of the multiple elemental powers that comes with it. That’s all for the Chromatic Orb BG3 guide. If you are close to the Circus of Last Days in BG3 or planning to go there then our Crimson guide will definitely help you out. Also, check out our BG3 Antique Key guide.

How to Feed Crimson in BG3

how to feed crimson in baldurs gate 3

While exploring around in the game and completing quests, there comes a circus called the Circus of Last Days. That’s the place where you can interact with a dinosaur named Crimson by feeding him. This leads to becoming friends with the dino. If you are somehow unable to interact with Crimson, you will be attacked by that dino which will be actually the act of doppelganger. Visiting the circus will take you to a point where the battle happens and the enemy team jump out of nowhere. Surprisingly, Crimson will be on their side and they will use him in the battle. The only way to stop this is by feeding Crimson before the battle begins. Now, the question remains how to feed Crimson in BG3? Find out how you can do this down below. Finding Crimson in The Circus of Last Days Feeding Crimson is the only way to keep him out of the battle. But to do this you must find him in the circus before you proceed to your next destination. If you somehow try to head out of the circus without feeding Crimson then you must kill him during the battle. Finding Crimson isn’t that hard, he is actually locked up in a cage. Also, you can identify him with his red-colored body. His cage is located close to the stage, Dribbles the Clown can be seen running show on it. Once you have spotted his cage, you can speak to him with the help of the spell Speak with Animals. You will find out that he is just hungry and locked up in a cage where he can’t get anything to eat by himself. So, you must free him and feed him to befriend the dino. Feeding Crimson in The Circus of Last Days Now, that you have reached at Crimson’s cage, it is time to free him up. For that, you are gonna need to open the lock. This can be done with the help of a key, look for a nearby guard, and pickpocket the key from him. And if you are not planning for the pickpocket then you are only left with breaking the lock. Either way, Crimson will be freed from the cage. Now, it’s time to feed him so that he will see you as a friend. Since Crimson is a dino, he will only take meaty things. So, don’t forget to bring some meat loaves in your pocket. They will come in handy at this point. You can also look around the circus and grab some meat from the kitchen area or other containers. Feeding him triggers a scene where Crimson feels ashamed and mentions that he was close to killing you. Once the scene finishes, Crimson runs away from the circus and at this point, you can continue your journey without the fear of encountering Crimson during the battle. FAQs What Meat to Feed Crimson? Crimson is a dinosaur in Baldur’s Gate 3. Since it’s a carnivore, it will prefer eating meaty items. The best meat you can get for him is Raw Steak. It can be found easily in many loot crates or you can also get this from the traders. Raw Steak is also used by the characters t restore HP and also for triggering the long rests. Can You Get Crimson in BG3? No, you cannot get Crimson on your team, it’s an NPC. You can meet him in the Circus of the Last Days. That’s the place where Crimson is kept locked in a cage. The people who locked him up have made him starved for a long time which is why he is in extreme rage. You can feed him up in the circus before moving on from there. This will keep him from joining the battle of doppelganger. That’s everything for the Crimson Feeding guide. Make sure not to miss out on our Chromatic Orb guide. It will help you understand better the Chromatic Orb spell in BG3. Also, don’t forget to check out our guide on Psionic Presence Talking Brain.