Astrologer in Elden Ring is one of the best classes to start with in my opinion. But, there are some essential points that you should take note of. The way you build this astrology class will define its power.
In this guide, I have shared my experience with this build and how I managed to make the most out of it. You can too follow the same and boost your journey in the best way.
Astrologer Build Elden Ring

The early stages of Astrologer in Elden Ring are pretty basic since there is not much choice in weapons and other equipment. But, as you make progress, there is a lot you can do to make it much more powerful.
Starting Weapons, Gears, and Magic

To be honest, we don’t have that many things at the beginning. And that’s the only downside this class has. But, this never makes Astrologler build the worst class. There are a ton of customizations and upgrades that you can do later on.
But, for now, let’s see what we have got to kick-start our journey. For the items that you can hold in hands like the weapons and shields, we have initially three of them.
- Astrologer’s Staff
- Short Sword
- Scripture Wooden Shield
Now, it’s up to you whether you want to go with the staff or sword. Because this is just the beginning, the real deal will begin when you start leveling up and upgrading your items and stats. That would be the time to get your hands on the best one. Just wait because I have also covered the best item when you have grown enough.
As for the spells, you would have two options. You can pick any of them, here are they.
- Glintsotne Pebble
- Glintstone Arc
Again, these are just for the start. There is no issue in picking up any of these. Get the one you think that will work for you better. In case you don’t know, let me tell you that both of these sorcery items are designed to primarily target low-end enemies. Moreover, the resource usage is also pretty low so you can use them without worrying about it.
Lastly, we have a set of gears that consists of various items. Each one of the gear items comes with different stats. So, these are quite essential things when you are planning to work on your character’s stats.
Another important thing is their weight, which plays a crucial role in your activity throughout the game. If your character goes up in weight due to the gear items then things can get challenging for you. So, you have to manage your weight wisely. But, as for the start, it’s okay to go unsorted. Here’s what’s waiting for you.
- Astrologer Hood
- Astrologer Robes
- Astrologer Glvoes
- Astrologer Trousers
That’s the whole set of outfits that an Astrologer uses.
Building Up Ultimate Astrologer Class

When you have gained enough experience in the game and you are now good to go with overall mechanics. It’s time to work on your character’s class build. Astrologer build mainly revolves around magical spells.
So, it’s essential to focus on ranged spell attacks rather than melee attacks. However, a few melee attacks can come in handy during close fights. So, what we are going to do is focus on a build that works greatly for magical spells while being helpful in close fights as well.
Weapon & Staff
The key weapon for an Astrologer is a staff. It is what helps you cast powerful spells on your enemy. So, we have a few different choices here. The thing to notice here is that these will get unlocked as you move up in the story, defeat different bosses, and do other activities.
Here are the ones that will work best with the Astrology class.
- Meteorite Staff
- Glintstone Staff
- Astrologer’s Staff
- Lusat’s Glintstone Staff
Personally, I like to use Meteorite Staff. It’s just a perfect thing that exist in the game, especially for the Astrologer build. Pairing up this staff with one of the best spells in the game which is Rock Sling. This is the ultimate combo that you can get.
Along with this magical staff, you can pick any weapon like the one that you can use for close-range attacks. It can be a sword or a pike, but not the shield as it can put a lot of weight on your character, which is definitely we don’t need at all.
Armor Load & Other Equipment
Armor is another important part of this build. However, you need to keep an eye on the weight that’s been adding up when you put on equipment. It’s really important.
So, for the armor, there is quite a good number of things that you can use. They all will work towards your stats. Go for the light armor set as it would not block your mobility by any means. Being an astrologer you need to move fast and dodge incoming attacks. And that can only be done if your weight is low.
The best one you can pick is the Astrologer’s Robe. That would be enough to provide you with decent protection, plus it won’t affect much on your weight. With this equipment load, you would easily move around in challenging fights.
As for the consumables and crafting items, you can keep some Magic Potions. Also, the items required to craft these potions will come in handy. Always look out for Crystal Buds when exploring areas, these will help you out in crafting potions.
Stats & Fighting Style
Now, it’s time to work on your stats to make the build even better. There are three main stats that should not be missed when building an Astrologer class. These are Intelligence, Dex, and Strength.
First off let’s discuss Dexterity and Strength. You don’t want to max out these stats. Instead, keep the Dex around 15 and Strength around 20. This would be the perfect combination of stat. Now, we are left with Intelligence, this also needs to be at the mid-level.
Lastly, don’t forget to keep an eye on the Vigor and Mind. These are essential for FP and HP, working on these stats can get you higher levels of HP and FP. So, make sure you also upgrade these.
Now, let’s discuss the fighting style. The primary attacking method required for an Astrologer build is full use of powerful magical spells. So, most of the time you will be maintaining distance from your target. Occasionally, you would have to go closer and pin down the enemy with your weapon such as a pike or a sharp sword.
Along with this, some throwables can also prove to be your best friend since you are already having a build that mainly focuses on ranged attacks. Fire pots and knives are great for this purpose.
When you are low on FP these secondary weapons will help you out. Like your sword or pike would deal great damage without costing you too much FP. Also, the same thing goes with throwables, although they won’t do as much damage as the close-range weapons.
Is Astrologer Good For Elden Ring?
Definitely, Astrologer is a good choice. It’s a super powerful class, but only if you have built it right way. You need to focus on it’s magical spells at first then work your way around towards a bit of melee.
Also, make sure to keep your weight on the lower side to enhance the mobility of your character. It’s a super important thing to work on. Astrologer build is all about magical spells so choose the right staff like Meterite Staff with a powerful spell.
So, that’s the guide for Astrologer build in Elden Ring. Follow this same build and you will definitely become the champion!
We have prepared a guide on the Temple of Eiglay. Be sure to check that out if you are finding some important stuff about it. Also, there is a full guide on how to store your runes, check that out as well.
A passionate gaming writer who loves gaming. He began writing in 2020, drawing on over ten years of experience in the gaming industry. His guides aim to help and inspire fellow gamers. Bilal enjoys trying out new games and keeping up with the latest trends in his free time. He values the gaming community and enjoys connecting with other enthusiasts.