
Baldur’s Gate 3: Search Tolna’s Office (Sorcerous Sundries Basement & Silverhand Vault)

Search Tolna’s office in Baldur’s Gate 3 is not a quest rather it gives you access to the Sorcerous Vault which is in the Sorcerous Sundries basement area. From here you can get the Annals of Karsus. However, it’s not easy to access the Silverhand Vault. 

It involves some important steps, and following those steps can take you into the vault easily. In this guide, we have explained everything step by step so you can get your hands on the Annals of Karsus. It’s actually a legendary book that Gale needs. 

Search Tolna’s Office in Baldur’s Gate 3

unlocking tolna's office door

Tolna’s office is located on the second floor of Sorcerous Sundries. This location is super important in Baldur’s Gate 3, not just for completing various quests but for various reasons. 

One of the super important things to do in Sorcerous Sundries is get the Annals of Karsus. This is hidden behind a locked vault that can only be accessed by breaking in. But first, head to the Sorcerous Sundries and speak to Tolna on the first floor. 

tolna's cutscene in search tolna's office

Upon speaking to her, you will get the exact location of it but she will also mention not to sell it. And that’s where you must somehow get into the vault secretly. So, it’s time to break in. 

Breaking into Sorcerous Vault

second floor of sorcerous sundries

Once you have spoken to Tolna head straight to the second floor. There will be a locked door and to your surprise, the floor is protected by some guards. The door must be unlocked to get to the entrance. 

Here’s what you need to do. Ungroup all your party members and use an invisibility potion or an invisibility spell on one of your party members. This is super important because if you try to unlock the door without being invisible then guards will catch you. 

Once your party member is invisible, get to the locked door and unlock it. It’s a DC 15 check, it won’t be hard to unlock the door. In the next room, there will be a bookshelf just right to the door. That shelf has a Clasped Book, interact with it to open the portal. Also, pick up the Basement Chest Key from the table, this will help you later. 

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portal in tolnas office

Now, that the portal is open, get through it to reach on the other side. This takes you to the Sorcerous Vault (Sorcerous Sundries basement) where you can find the Annals of Karsus. 

Finding Annals of Karsus in the Sorcerous Sundries Basement (Silverhand Vault)

sorcerous vault in bg3

Once you are through the portal and into the Sorcerous Vault, things will become a little harder as there are puzzles ahead. Upon entering the vault, you will see a wooden door. Just go through the door and cross the bridge. 

Now, you will see another door but this will be locked. Unlock the door with a DC 15 Sleight of Hand. Here comes the tricky part. As soon as you get through the door, you will see three doors. These are the puzzle doors, opening them in the correct order will allow you to unlock the Karsus Door which leads to the SorcerousVault. 

puzzle doors in sorcerous vault

Follow these steps in the correct order: 

  • Right off the bat, go through the door that is marked as Silverhand.
  • This time you have doors again but with different names, you have to go through the door that is marked as Abjuration.
  • Again there will be the same doors but with different names, this time go through the door that is marked as Silver.
lever room in sorcerous vault

Now, you will reach a room that has a lever in it. Pull the lever and the door to the Sorcerous Vault will be opened. Next, get back to the starting point by using the door that is marked as Demon. Once you are at the starting point, you will see that Sorcerous Vault is open. 

the annals of karsus in sorcerous vault

Once you enter the vault, look around and find The Annals of Karsus on a bookshelf. Apart from that you can also look out for Foebreaker and Scroll of Dethrone, these will also be on one of the shelves in Sorcerous Vault. 

Using Annals of Karsus

legendary book the annals of karsus

Annals of Karsus is used by Gale. So, once you have got them get back to your camp and hand it over to Gale. He will then read the book which allows you to make progress in his quest. So, this legendary Annals of Karsus is basically there to help you make progress in Gale’s Companion Quest

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But that’s not all, Annals of Karsus can also get you Scroll of Dethrone. This is useful when you are unable to pick Scroll of Dethhrone from the vault. Also, if you are looking to make two of your party members learn this spell then it will help you out.  

The Scroll of Dethrone will transferred to your inventory when you have finished reading the book. Afterward, you can use it to allow any wizard in your party to learn the spell. 


How Do I Search Tolna’s Office?

To search Tolnas Office in BG3, you must enter through the door on the second floor of Sorcerous Sundries. You can find it just next to the two portals. 

Make sure to use an invisibility spell when you are unlocking that door and entering the office. Otherwise, the guards on the floor will catch you. Once you are in the office look for the Clasped Book on the bookshelf, it will open the portal for you. The portal takes you to the next area where you can continue your journey to Sorcerous Vault. 

How Do I Get Into Tolna’s Vault?

It’s actually the Sorcerous Vault that you can get access to from Tolnas office. So what you have to do is make your way from Tolna’s office through the portals. The portal is the only way to reach the sorcerous vault.

Open the portal by interacting with the Clasped Book which is in the bookshelf of tolna’s office. As soon as the portal appears, jump right in and your next stop would be the sorcerous vault. And here comes the tricky part, the vault area has some puzzle doors that you must open in the correct order (explained above). This will lead you to the exact room where you can collect the Book of Karsus and the rest of the items.

Should I Give Gale the Book of Karsus?

Yes, you should definitely give the legendary book Annals of Karsus. That’s the main purpose of getting that book. It will allow you to make progress in Gale’s Companion Quest. 

Upon reading the book, Gale comes to know that the book has information on the Crown of Karsus. Also, the book contains complete instructions on how to reforge that crown. It will help Gale in gaining all the power that is required to challenge Mystra.

Also, if you are looking to learn about the Ancient Altar and Puzzle in Hhune Mausoleum then we have prepared complete guides on both of them. GO check them out as well!

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