Abandoned Coffin in Elden Ring is located in a place where you will face some major threats. But, this exact spot can be rewarding as well. It is situated near the hilly area of Altus Plateau, a place where a boss also spawns.
Paying a visit to Abanondoend Coffin can be extremely rewarding but you have to look out for things with a little extra attention since there are many hidden items. There is also a site of grace near Abandoned Coffin which makes it easier for you to clear out threats in the area. Let’s dive deeper to find out more!
Abandoned Coffin Location

Reaching the Abandoned Coffin is not that difficult, it is just close to the Altus Plateau. I would recommend you get on the Altus Plateateu and move along its right-side edge until you reach a point that leads you toward the lower level.
Now, from that point get on the lower ground and head straight, just keep moving along the right-side wall and enter through a narrow path. You will encounter a wolf on this route. This exact route takes you to the Abandoned Coffin location.
Ancient Dragon Lansseax Boss in Abandoned Coffin

As you reach the Abandoned Coffin area through the Altus Plateau, look for the site of grace. Rest at this point and prepare yourself for the boss fight with Ancient Dragon Lansseax. Defeating this dragon will reward you with 60,000 Runes and a special type of Dragon Cult spell called Lansseax’s Glaive.
Now, the most important part is how to defeat this ancient dragon. There are actually two different spots from where you can start the fight. The first one is the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace and the second one is the Rampartside Path Site of Grace.
Since you are on the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, the dragon will appear near the hill from where you came down, the exact spot is close to the wolf on the narrow path.
Once the dragon appears at the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace, fight with him and do enough damage that his health reaches 80%. The dragon will retreat and it will appear again when you visit the Rampartside Path Site of Grace. Here, you can finally finish him off and collect the items he drops.
This dragon boss uses lightning attacks, he will spawn a huge red lightning in his hand and wave it around covering a huge area in just a single strike. Apart from that, he will use a fire breath attack. Both of these attacks are quite powerful. And the entire fight is absolutely amazing based on its appearance and all.
When it comes to fighting style, It is recommended that you take advantage of the hilly area and choose higher ground. However, the dragon is weak against pierce attacks. So, it’s more like a close-range fight if you want to defeat him with his weakness. For this purpose, you can make use of various weapons like thrusting swords, great spears, and even bows.
Exploring the Rest of the Abandoned Coffin Area

Abandoned Coffin has multiple spots that can be explored to collect various rewards. Defeating enemies around the area can help you gather a good amount of runes. Additionally, there are various stacks of items hidden throughout the abandoned hilly area. It’s worth checking out each part of the entire location at least once.
Clearing Out Omens
The entire Abandoned Coffin area is filled up with Omens, they are a great source of runes. So, I would definitely recommend you kill each one of them. Traverse the entire area and look for omens wherever you can.
Some of the omens roam on the ground level while some roam on the coffins. Ranged attacks or spells can be used to push them down.
Collecting Important Items & Other Rewards
Runes aren’t the only rewards you will get as a reward in Abandoned Coffins, there are many other rewards like Lightning Ram Ash of War, Golden Runes, Dragonbolt Blessing, and Scarced Tear.
All of these items are placed at different spots around the Abandoned Coffin area. Stormcaller Church is a small area located within the Abandoned Coffin, look out for it as there is a chest that contains Dragonbolt Blessing.
Some of the stuff is quite easy to find like Lightning Ram Ash of War, which is found standing in open ground. You can spot it with its glowing light. While some items are hidden, you can still find them with a bit of extra effort.
Golden Runes are quite useful items and you should not miss them at all. They can help you store runes or more specifically they work like rune generators. Using them will grant you a certain amount of runes instantly. The rest of the items are essential too, so pick up as many of these as you can.
Most of the Golden Runes will be in the coffins around the area. Check thoroughly each one of the coffins in the entire area. If you are lucky enough then you might get the best variations of Golden Runes. The ones that yield the highest amount of runes, although it’s pretty random which one you are gonna get.
Apart from the Golden Runes, some other items are also hidden in these coffins. Most of the time it will be a lot easier to identify which coffin has an item because they will be glowing.
Where is the Abandoned Coffin in Elden Ring?
Abandoned Coffin area can be accessed by following the route near the Altus Plateau. It’s actually located at a lower level from the Altus Plateau. So, you have to move on the route that takes you down from the plateau.
You need to get to two floors lower from the plateau. Once you are there, just follow the right-side wall when you turn towards the southern direction. You will eventually reach at a point where a narrow path can be seen. This takes you to the exact Abandoned Coffin area.
Where Does the Dragon Go From Abandoned Coffin?
The Ancient Dragon Lansseax goes away from the Abandoned Coffin Site of Grace when its health reaches 80% or below. It actually disappears from Abandoned Coffin and then respawns at Rampartside Path Sie of Grace.
This time it will appear with 80% of health. Here, you can finally finish him off and collect the rewards. So, this boss fight is basically divided into two parts. It’s kinda easy to fight but be cautious of its attacks, because they hold the ability to deal high damage.
There you have the full guide on Abandoned Coffin in Elden Ring. Don’t forget to check out our guide on the Temple of Eiglay & Astrologer Class!